Sunday, October 26, 2014

Review: Ashieda Konjac Sponge

I have been using the Natural Clear Skin Cleansing Sponge by Ashieda for a few weeks now and it makes washing my face a breeze, my face feels super soft afterwards. The Konjac Sponge is great for all skin types, and has a very fine texture so it exfoliates without leaving the skin feeling overworked.

How to use the Konjac Sponge by Ashieda:

  • soak the sponge in warm water until it re-hydrates
  • squeeze all of the excess water out of the sponge
  • apply cleanser directly to your skin, or to the sponge (you can even skip this step & use the sponge alone!)
  • work the sponge all over your face and neck in small circular motions with mild pressure
  • rinse the sponge and squeeze out excess water
  • use the sponge to wash the cleanser off of your face
  • rinse and squeeze the sponge again
  • hang to dry

Why use the Konjac Sponge by Ashieda?

  • Save time! The Konjac Sponge replaces time consuming skincare gadgets, it can be used in place of your exfoliator, as well as your wash cloth or facial wipe.
  • Exfoliation: The Konjac Sponge will gently exfoliate your skin during every use leaving it feeling soft and smooth, and making your skin bright and youthful. It is gentle enough to use every single time you cleanse your skin unlike a traditional facial scrub.
  • Refines pores. While you can never reduce the size of your pores, the Konjac Sponge will exfoliate and clear out your pores which in turn makes them appear a little smaller.
  • Naturally moisturizes with the addition of collagen to the sponge. This will help your skin feel soft and supple after cleansing.
My experience with the Konjac Sponge:

  • Immediately after soaking my Konjac Sponge in water and squeezing it out, I noticed how soft it felt in my hands, it almost felt like it was going to slip right out because it was so soft! I cleanse my skin with this sponge twice a day morning and night, and I have to say it glides across your skin in a luxurious way. My skin is always bright and smooth after using this sponge, I can see why everyone loves it!
Where to get your Konjac Sponge?

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a really good investiment. I think I am going to get one. Thanks!
