Monday, January 5, 2015

Review: Nasopure System Kit

Since Winter is upon us, sicknesses and sinus infections are running rampant. With the Nasopure Nasal Wash System I am able to flush out my sinuses and breathe much easier. This system comes with a rinse bottle as well as solution to mix that is safe for clearing out your passageways.

What are the features?
·         Patented and proven
·         Allows you to control the pressure and flow of your nasal saline wash unlike the Neti Pot
·         Removes allergens and any harmful bacteria around the nasal opening as opposed to sinus flush

This Nasal Wash System is extremely easy to use and comes with very detailed instructions. The directions tell you exactly how to mix your nasal wash solution and how long it will keep. The bottle itself is very durable, but has the perfect angle to it that clears out your nasal passageways perfectly.

To use this wash you simply mix the solution with room temperature water, never cold. You then tilt your head to one side and squeeze the bottle, the solution will then flow through your nasal passageways and out your other nostril. This solution has made the winter much easier for me, I normally get quite congested during the cold months and this system has helped me keep my nose clear!

If you suffer from congestion or runny nose you need to check out this Nasopure System. Get yours below:

Image Map
I received this product for evaluation, but these are my own opinions.

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